An experienced programmer who has developed applications for federal, scientific and commercial clients. An effective small-group leader, capable of moving projects through full life cycle development. Regarded as an industrious, dedicated professional who takes initiative to learn in new environments and promote efficiency and effectiveness.
B.S., Information Systems Management
Messiah College, Grantham, Pennsylvania
Consultant to EDS and the Navy and Marine Corps. Full life-cycle development of a Web-based customer satisfaction system, responsible for statistically measuring and reporting on the Navy satisfaction level with NMCI service and training. Statistical sampling stored procedures were developed in MS SQL Server 2000 T-SQL. Customizable HTML mail merge invitations were transmitted to candidates with a Visual Basic application, configured to work as either a mail server or to use an SMTP relay. SQL Server 2000 was used as the database backend for reports generated using Active Server Pages (ASP), IntrChart and client-side JavaScript. On-site installation in Norfolk, VA, and continued remote production
Research Applications, Inc., Rockville, VA - 4/01 to Present
Using Visual Basic, developed ActiveX hardware interfaces for a power line carrier, digital I/O, infrared transceiver home automation controller and a home weather station for the HomeSeer home automation application.
HomeSeer Technologies, LLC, Bedford, NH - 12/01 to Present
Created Visual Basic configuration and control application for a serial/infrared/power line carrier controlled speaker switcher. Developed ActiveX interface and command line control application for same.
Home Automation Control Systems, NY - 9/01 to 1/02
Interfaced Web-based service order system with the AT&T Wireless credit authorization system using both a custom multi-tasking Visual Basic application and Active Server Pages (ASP) capable of processing hundreds of authorizations per hour. Transactional processing was accomplished using both XML and Telnet for communication with a mainframe using a VPN connection.
Corporate Zen, Falls Church, VA - 1/01 to 4/01
For NASDAQ, developed Web-based system to track NASDAQ-Online Web site usage to assist marketing personnel target efforts. Application consisted of MS SQL Server 7 back end with stored procedures, ASP programming, client-side JavaScript and Crystal Reports being called through its automation server interface.
Financial Insight Systems (FIS), Rockville, MD- 7/00 to 2/01
Developed Web-based Internal Revenue Service (IRS) management information system used to track personnel moving expenses and their associated tax ramifications. Recreated and expanded legacy Gupta SQL Windows application into ASP application running under IIS using extensive client-side JavaScript with MS SQL Server 7 back end. Application entailed Web-based data entry, reporting and integration with an existing mainframe application.
Computer Hi-Tech Management (CHM), Mclean, VA- 12/99 to 7/00
Project lead for Virtual Voice Assistant, a voice operated personal information manager with OLE link to MS Outlook. Designed modular, object oriented system architecture and relational database schema. Integrated Internet harvesting technology to retrieve, parse and display news, weather, sports, traffic, stock market and television data. Designed vocal navigation system utilizing in-house custom voice recognition/speech synthesis tools. Created phone call filtering system. Responsible for coordinating the small team development effort.
Created hardware drivers for the home automation product, HAL2000. Contributed expertise to many areas of the application, including: rules evaluator, Internet data parsing, hardware driver development, graphical user interface development, conditionals, sensors, standard and ActiveX DLL development, OLE communication.
Home Automated Living, LLC, Laurel, MD - 8/98 to 11/99
Developed nationally-distributed Senior Federal Travel tracking application as part of the Federal Aviation Management Information System (FAMIS) for the General Services Administration.
Headed full life-cycle development of large-scale multi-user Department of Energy Core Technical Group skills/personnel tracking system.
Developed prototype pen-based computer applications for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of the Interior and the Fairfax Department of Environmental Management. Marketed pen-based services to federal and state emergency management agencies as well as health care providers in the private sector. Forged corporate alliances with several emergency management software companies.
Architected and started development of Windows NT 4.0 database web server applications to track Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statements.
Created relational database applications for the Department of Energy's Environmental Management office (including the Baseline Environmental Management Report cost-modeling project), Defense Programs office and the U.S. Enrichment Corporation.
Created computer time-charging allocation system and hardware/software inventory program for internal corporate entity. Increased divisional administration efficiency with development and deployment of management information system and client/project tracking systems.
Created and maintained Web sites for DOE's Defense Programs office as well as internal Web sites. Developed simple, Web-based database front-ends for several DOE
As guest researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), performed needs analysis, requisitioned, designed and installed equipment necessary to control high-powered laser and gather real-time thermal modeling data from multiple high-performance thermocouples. Developed a data acquisition system and laser control system for a laser-driven thermal reactor (LDTR).
Tested and evaluated Department of Energy Tank Waste Information Network System (TWINS) related applications intended to track nuclear waste storage and predict future tank structural viability. Provided guidance for functionality enhancements to be incorporated into subsequent releases.
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Germantown, MD - 6/93 to
COMPUTER TECHNICIAN: Supported several hundred personal computer users. Provided user training, computer/network troubleshooting and hardware and software installation.
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), Germantown, MD - 5/92 to 6/93
BRANCH SALES ASSISTANT: Assisted in management of a help desk, Developed a time/performance tracking program to help upper management track productivity levels of the help desk. Conducted classes to educate branch personnel in the use of various applications and operating systems. Assisted with IBM's youth outreach program. Earned reputation of being a competent workstation specialist, innovative thinker and creative presentation artist.
IBM Corporation, Bethesda, MD - 6/86 to 8/91
COMMERCIAL ARTIST: Created presentation materials for marketing representatives and systems engineers using contemporary commercial graphics software. Used fine-art skills to develop freehand illustrations to be used for branch sales literature and newsletters.
IBM Corporation, Rockville, MD - 6/84 to 8/85
COMPUTER: Programming languages--Visual Basic, ASP, VBScript, ADO, JavaScript, SQL Server, Microsoft Access, SQL, HTML, XML, Gupta SQL Server, Sockets, PowerBasic/DLL, Delphi, Pascal, xBase, minor CFML, COBOL, QBASIC, Macromedia Flash, dBase and many other 4GLs. I have an extensive knowledge of third-party libraries and tools for Visual Basic and have a great facility for learning additional programming languages. Operating systems-- Windows, DOS, minor UNIX and VM. Extreme competence in all major Database, Spreadsheet, Graphics, Word Processor and Communication applications. Hardware--Configure peer-to-peer LANs, component-level PC repair, PC hardware installation.
MULTIMEDIA: Skills in all aspects of multimedia presentation creation, including video, audio, and electronic art. Especially skilled at the presentation of data for maximum visual impact and understanding.
PRIVATE CONSULTING: Before establishing RetroScape, Inc., over the course of the past several years, involved self in various private consulting jobs and entrepreneurial efforts. Co-owned desktop publishing firm servicing clients such as IBM and the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Co-owned a small video production company specializing in event coverage. As consulting programmer created comprehensive database systems for the National Christian Choir and Messiah Biblical Institute. Acted as independent computer consultant and serviced the computer needs (both training and hardware identification and installation) of Cardy and Company, Stock Brokers, Quality Evaluation Services and hundreds of individual metropolitan personal computer owners.
Associate editor, Home Automator Magazine
Member, Wedding Event Videographers Association
BAO Security Clearance, Department of Energy (Inactive)